School District of Clay County
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Teacher Inservice Center - Fleming Island High School
2233 Village Square Parkway
Closed Hearings for Special Student Actions: 4:00 p.m.
Regular Meeting: 7:00 p.m.

March 22, 2016 - Regular Meeting

Invocation (Johnna McKinnon)
Pledge of Allegiance
1. Musical Selections by GPE/OPE Chorus Students in recognition of "Music in our Schools" Month

Minutes: Under the direction of Katy Polk, the Grove Park and Orange Park Elementary School Choruses highlighted the district's "Music in our Schools" month by performing two vocal selections.

Call to Order
2. Attendance


Present:  Janice Kerekes, District 1;  Carol Studdard, District 2;  Betsy Condon, District 3;  Johnna McKinnon, District 4;  Ashley Gilhousen, District 5;  and Superintendent Charlie Van Zant.

Consent Agenda

3. C-1 Minutes of Student Hearings and Regular Meeting on February 23, 2016
Attachment: Minutes Reg Mtg 02-23-2016.pdf
Attachment: 2016 Feb 23 Disciplinary Minutes.pdf (Confidential Item)
4. C-2 Resolution #16-13, 2016 Clay County Agricultural Fair
Attachment: 2016 Clay Co Fair RESOLUTION.pdf
Deputy Superintendent

5. C-3 2016-2017 Employee Calendar - revised
Attachment: Employee Work Calendar 2016-17.pdf
6. C-4 Summer School Calendar 2016 High School/Junior High and Grade 6
Attachment: Summer School Calendar 2016.pdf
7. C-5 Daily Hours for Teachers and Students for 2016-2017
Attachment: School - Daily Hours 2016-2017.pdf
8. C-6 Proposed Allocation Changes 2015-2016
Attachment: Allocation Summary - March 22, 2016.pdf
Information and Technology Services

9. C-7 E-Rate Contracts
Attachment: Contract Award with revisions A (2).pdf
Attachment: GCI Quote#24012690_01-W1 (2).pdf
Attachment: GCI Quote#24017326_01-W1 (2).pdf
Attachment: GCI Quote#24017330_01-W1.pdf
Attachment: GCI Quote#24026664_01-M1 (2).pdf
Attachment: GCI Quote#24027376_01-W1 (2).pdf
Attachment: GCI Quote#24029555_01-W1 (2).pdf
Human Resources

10. C-8 Personnel Consent Agenda
Attachment: Personnel Consent Agenda 3 22 2016.pdf
11. C-9 Administrative Salary Schedule Revision
Attachment: Admin Salary Schedule Revision.pdf
12. C-10 Proclaim April 24-30, 2016, as Administrative Professionals Week, and Wednesday, April 27, 2016, as Administrative Professionals Day in Clay County
13. C-11 Proclaim May 2-6, 2016, as Teacher Appreciation Week in Clay County, and Tuesday, May 3, 2016, as Teacher Appreciation Day

14. C-12 Approve Consultant Agreement with Learning Forward (Federal Funds)
Attachment: Learning Forward Consultant Agreement March Board meeting.pdf
15. C-13 Guidelines for 2016-17 Special Pupil Requests and Non-Resident Admissions
Attachment: March 2016 - 2016-17 SPR Memo.pdf
16. C-14 K-12 Academic Support Services - Student Travel
Attachment: March 2016 - Student Travel.pdf
17. C-15 Letter of Agreement with Health-Tech Consultants, LLC
Attachment: HTC 21st Century LOA with CCSD 2015-2016.pdf
18. C-16 Approval to Advertise for Public Hearing for Instructional Resource Adoptions
Business Affairs

19. C-17 Budget Amendments for the Month of February 2016
Attachment: February 2016 Board Impact Stmt.pdf
Attachment: February 2016 Board BA.pdf
20. C-18 Request Approval of the 2016-2017 Payroll Calendars
Attachment: Payroll Calendars 2016-2017.pdf
21. C-19 Warrants and Vouchers for February 2016
Attachment: WARRANTS AND VOUCHERS FEB 2016.pdf
22. C-20 Monthly Property Report - February, 2016 - Furniture/Equipment
Attachment: Furniture-Equipment Report-February, 2016.pdf
23. C-21 Monthly Property Report - February, 2016 - AV Materials
Attachment: Audiovisual Report-February, 2016.pdf
24. C-22 Monthly Property Report - February, 2016 - Software
Attachment: Software Report-February, 2016.pdf
25. C-23 Monthly Property Report - February, 2016 - Vehicles
Attachment: Vehicles Report-February, 2016.pdf
26. C-24 Deletion of Certain Items Report - March, 2016
Attachment: Deletion Report-March, 2016.pdf
27. C-25 Write-off Uncollectible Check at School
28. C-26 Bid to Be Awarded March 2016
29. C-27 Monthly Financial Report for February, 2016
Attachment: scan.pdf
Attachment: scan.pdf
Support Services

30. C-28 Deductive Change Order #1 (Direct Purchasing) for Lakeside Elementary/Lakeside Junior High School Lightning Protection
Attachment: CO 1 LES.LSJH Lighting Protection.pdf
31. C-29 Keystone Heights Elementary School Window Replacement Buildings 3-8 Contract Award
Attachment: KHE Window Replacement Bldgs 3-8 Bid Tab.pdf
32. C-30 Pre-Qualification of Contractors
Attachment: Contractor List 3,22,16.pdf
33. C-31 Annual Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH) Certification
Attachment: FISH Certification - 2016.pdf
34. C-32 Window Replacement/Insulation Upgrade - Administration Contract Award
Attachment: Contract Award Admin Window Replacement.pdf

Adoption of Consent Agenda
35. Adoption of Consent Agenda

Minutes: Prior to adoption of the Consent Agenda, Mrs. Gilhousen read the School Board's Resolution #16-13 (Consent Item C-2) in support of the Clay County Agricultural Fair, March 31-April 9, 2016.

Motion to approve the Consent Agenda. - PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Elizabeth Condon
Second: Ashley Gilhousen
Ashley Gilhousen- Aye
Elizabeth Condon- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

Recognitions and Awards
36. Recognize Skylar McGlynn and Elise Cluever 2015-2016 Clay County Volunteers of the Year, and State winner Susie Pelphrey

Minutes: Superintendent Van Zant recognized the Clay County Youth Volunteer of the Year winner, Skylar McGlynn, a junior at Orange Park High School, serving 1,017 hours since 9th grade. Elise Cluever was honored as the Clay County Adult category winner who volunteers at Ridgeview Elementary. The State Director of Volunteer & Community Services, Janine Rogers, was in attendance and presented a plaque to Susie Pelphry, state winner in the Senior category.
37. Recognize Sarah Lawson, recipient of the Governor's Shine Award


Superintendent Van Zant recognized Lake Asbury Elementary School Principal, Sarah Lawson, for receiving the Governor's Shine Award which recognizes educators and administrators in Florida who make significant contributions to the field of education.   Mrs. Lawson was also nominated by the district as Clay County's 2016 Principal of the Year.



38. Recognize David Bradley, recipient of the Governor's Excellence in Education Award

Minutes: Mr. David Bradley, a Lakeside Junior High School teacher, was one of three Florida educators to be recognized with an Excellence in Education Award in honor of Black History Month by the Governor's office.

39. Career and Technical Education Presentation
Attachment: March 2016 Business Engagement.pdf
Minutes: Chereese Stewart, Director of CTE, used a visual presentation to explain the 3 Pillar Model of the Ford NGL Program. She focused on the first strand, Transforming Business and Civic Engagement.

Scheduled Citizen Requests (NONE)
Discussion Agenda

40. D-1 Superintendent's Update


Speaker from the Audience:  Keith Nichols - community gardens

Staff spoke briefly about a new opportunity.  NMSI (National Math and Science Initiative) has joined with the school district to offer their services to the Advanced Placement program in place at all 7 of our high schools.  NMSI will offer training to our teachers, support services for the teacher and students, and financial incentives for students, teachers, and the schools for reaching set goals. 

Superintendent Van Zant also stated the St. Johns River State College will partner with Orange Park High School to offer a program that allows for a student to enter as a 9th grader and after their 4 years at the school exit with an Associate of Arts degree.  The first meeting will beheld on the campus of SJRSC on March 28th at 6:30 pm.  There will be a formal presentation to the School Board in April.

Human Resources

41. D-2 Human Resources - Special Action A
Attachment: Special Action A 3 22 2016.pdf (Confidential Item)

Motion to approve.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Janice Kerekes
Second: Ashley Gilhousen
Elizabeth Condon- Aye
Ashley Gilhousen- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

Business Affairs

42. D-3 Award RFP #16-BA-121 for HMO, PPO, HSA/CDH Medical Programs, and Review and Approve 2016-2017 Employee Plan A Medical and Supplemental Benefits Insurance Plans
Attachment: SBCC Board Mtg 3.22.2016final (2).pdf
Minutes: Ann Gebhard from Aon Consulting, reviewed the 2016-2017 Benefit renewal recommendations. Three responses were received for the RFP and after review of proposals and presentations, the RFP Committee, as well as the Insurance Committee, recommended United Healthcare. The percent decrease from 2015-2016 will be 2.85% plus a one-time overall premium credit totaling $1.9 million. Both Liz Crane and Betsy Condon, who served on the RFP Committee, spoke briefly about the recommendations and the Committee's work.

Motion to approve-
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Janice Kerekes

Motion Minutes: Following discussion, the previous motion was withdrawn and restated as follows.

Motion to approve the two recommended actions.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Janice Kerekes
Elizabeth Condon- Aye
Ashley Gilhousen- Aye
Janice Kerekes- Aye
Johnna McKinnon- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

Motion Minutes: 

Recommended Actions

  • Award RFP #16-BA-121 for HMO, PPO, HSA/CDH Medical Programs to United Health Care and authorize Dr. Susan Legutko, Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs, to finalize contract negotiations and execute the resulting agreement.
  • Approve the Insurance Committee's recommendations for Plan A Medical, Medical Gap, Group Term Life & AD & D, Supplemental Life & AD & D, Short Term Disability, Dental, Vision, Accident and Injury Policy, Critical Illness, Whole Life, Flexible Spending Accounts, Health Savings Account and Plan B Coverage (employees with no Health Insurance) and the continuation of the Web Enrollment Program provided by Univers.


Presentations from the Audience
43. Speakers

  • Liz Crane - respect
  • Laura Mayberry - teacher support
  • Renna Lee Paiva - "Liars and Reality"

Superintendent's Requests

Minutes: Superintendent Van Zant made brief comments about our new relationship with United Health and wished all a Happy Easter. 

School Board's Requests

Minutes: Board Members spoke briefly about various topics. 

Attorney's Requests

Minutes: Mr. Sikes mentioned the need to schedule an Executive Session to discuss pending litigation.  The Board will be contacted when more information is available.

Adjournment (8:26 p.m.)

